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※更新文章日期: 2018-10-10
-Pokémon GO Macau-
1. 改變Pokémon 的遷移及行為
– 根據天氣及訓練家的行動,會影響到Pokémon的出現。
– 在探索一個地方時,你會留意到有不同物種的Pokémon會隨著時間變化而有不同的出現情況。
– 公園及自然保護區會有更多不同的Pokémon 物種出現。
2. 改變Pokémon 的戰鬥效能
– CP值在未來會作出調整,以改善遊戲平衡。
– HP值將會調整,以縮短最高HP及最低HP的Pokémon 的差距。
– Pokémon 耐力及防禦力會重新調整,讓一些有高防守能力的Pokémon 重新拾回他的價值,而不是單純在戰鬥時消磨時間。
– 大多數Pokémon 的防禦力會有所下降,這樣將縮短高防守能力的Pokémon 及其他Pokémon 的差距。
影片中最後BOOS應該是騎拉帝納#487,還有四代御三家:草苗龜 波加曼 小火焰猴!
目前寶可夢還未開放到4代,以下僅供參考 @寶友 皮在癢 製作
親愛的訓練家們:準備好要迎接神奧地區的寶可夢了嗎?由於神奧地區的寶可夢將在不久後加入Pokémon GO,我們參考了各位訓練家提供的寶貴意見,決定在接下來的這幾個禮拜針對遊戲平衡度進行兩項重要的變更,為各位提供一個更完善的遊戲環境。
我們希望以上的微調整能讓訓練家和寶可夢發揮最大潛能,並拓展更多可能性。和我們一起享受這些變化帶來的樂趣、一起去探索嶄新的Pokémon GO世界吧!—Pokémon GO 開發團隊敬上
Are you ready for a Sinnoh adventure? We’re excited to let you know that in preparation for the arrival of Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region, we are making two key shifts to the game balance in the coming weeks. These changes are based on Trainer feedback and are designed to promote an improved overall experience.
Changes to Pokémon Migration and Behavior
As you explore the world of Pokémon GO, the following changes will affect the Pokémon that appear around you:
We are making adjustments to weather and, moving forward, it will have a reduced effect on the rate at which Pokémon appear.
As you explore a given area, you will notice that a greater variety of Pokémon species will appear over time and at different rates.
Certain areas, such as parks and nature reserves, will now contain more varied Pokémon species.
Changes to Pokémon Effectiveness in Battle
We also wanted to use this opportunity to rebalance in-game battle mechanics. You may notice some of the following changes in the coming weeks:
CP values will be adjusted going forward to improve game balance.
HP values will be adjusted to close the gap between high HP Pokémon and low HP Pokémon.
Pokémon Defense and Stamina values will be retroactively rebalanced, allowing highly defensive Pokémon to be valuable in battle by outlasting opponents rather than simply running out the clock.
Defense values have also been slightly retroactively reduced for most Pokémon. Changes like these will help narrow the gap between Pokémon with the highest defensive stats and other Pokémon.
Moving forward, you can expect to see further tweaks designed to help Trainers and their Pokémon reach their full potential. We’re looking forward to experiencing these changes with you as we explore the world together! Let’s get out there and GO!
—Liz George, Pokémon GO Global Community Manager