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※更新文章日期: 2021-01-07



Niantic 近日宣布收購遊戲社群平台 Mayhem,並未公開詳細金額。這家位於舊金山,以遊戲開發起家的公司決定把他們專業的社交遊戲知識帶向 Niantic,一位 Niantic 的發言人向 GamesIndustry.biz 表示,團隊中的多數成員將加入其產品工程組織。

  Niantic CEO John Hanke 在部落格上表示,透過 Niantic 的遊戲,玩家們在與其他人互動遊玩之餘發現了難以置信的意義,他們創造美好回憶、結交好友,透過讓人驚豔的故事來加以訴說。John Hanke 表示,他們期待與 Mayhem 展開合作,強化這些動人時刻,使玩家社群能變得更加緊密,為世界帶來正向影響。

  Mayhem 在 2017 年成立,為遊戲玩家打造了線上平台,同時組織了遊戲賽事、聯盟以及社群上的種種。該公司發言人指出,透過這次收購,隨著 Mayhem 團隊被整合至 Niantic,Mayhem.gg 平台將逐漸消失。

  Mayhem 發言人表示,這表示他們將可在遊戲中帶來更多創新的社交功能,同時為 Niantic 的探索者們提與他人聯繫的全新方式。


January 5, 2021

Welcoming Gaming Community Platform Leader Mayhem to Niantic

Today, I’m excited to announce the acquisition of Mayhem and welcome a group of talented creatives to Niantic. As part of Niantic, the Mayhem team’s expertise in designing social gaming experiences and passion for online community building will drive the creation of new ways for our growing global community of players to connect and play.

Mayhem was founded in 2017 with the goal of bringing gamers together through live, interactive experiences. They built a successful online platform for gamers to self-organize custom game formats for their communities, and it’s their innovative leadership in this space that will accelerate the work we’re doing to inspire people to explore the world together. Real-world social interaction, as encouraged by fun gameplay as well as social features that build bonds between people across the globe, is critical to our mission—and alongside Mayhem, we have some exciting opportunities ahead of us.

Through our games, many Niantic explorers have found incredible meaning in playing and interacting with other explorers. They create memories, they make friends, and they end up with some amazing stories to tell. We look forward to working together with Mayhem to amplify those moments, bring our player community closer together, and make a positive impact on the world.

To learn about what this means for Mayhem, you can read the blog post from Mayhem’s CEO, Ivan Zhou.

