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※更新文章日期: 2018-11-01



墨西哥嘉年華(死亡節)活動 11/01-11/03



As a continuation of my last conceptual event; Conceptual Safari Zone: Mexican Fiesta! and with Halloween right around the corner, it is important to not ignore México’s famed holiday of Day of the Dead.

For those that may not know, Day of the Dead is festive holiday in México and other parts of LATAM that celebrate the dead, it is an event based around family, friends, food, and tradition, a day in which we honor those that have passed that are close to us, although this may be the case, we should mention that Day of the Dead is not a dark holiday, in fact, it is one of the most colorful and diverse festive events in all of México!

Before we begin I should clarify, the way that Day of the Dead is Celebrated varies between different regions of México and depending on religious beliefs, for these reasons, we will base ourselves on the two festive days of Day of the Innocents and Day of the Dead.

