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※更新文章日期: 2020-08-27



– 官方表示密切監察著對戰聯盟的情況及玩家的回饋意見。

– 官方從「#BUG的數量」及「#已知的問題頁面」兩方面去著手解決問題。


– 曾經在六月期間暫停開放GO對戰聯盟,以著手解決當中的問題。

– 提高遊戲的質量保證(QA)測試。

– 增加測試人員及自動化測試以改善遊戲測試流程。


– 會單獨為GO對戰聯盟建立一個已知的問題頁面。

– 會積極聽取社群對GO對戰聯盟的問題。

– 希望透過改變內部測試流程和對社群的溝通方式,以改善遊戲體驗及有助解決問題。

Trainers,We wanted to share an update with you about several issues affecting the GO Battle League. We have been closely monitoring the state of the GO Battle League as well as your feedback on a daily basis, and we’re sharing these details in pursuit of improved transparency. With this in mind, there are two areas of concern we’d like to address:

The number of bugs、The Known Issues page、The number of bugs

Pokémon GO’s battle logic is among our most complicated systems, so a bug fix related to the GO Battle League fundamentally has a higher chance of causing subsequent bugs than some of our other fixes. For example, a fix applied during June’s GO Battle League outage is the upstream cause of many of the current Charged Attack, desync, and switch bugs.

What are we doing about it?

Increasing quality-assurance (QA)testing is the best way to resolve issues with inherently complicated systems. As such, we have two improvements to our testing process underway.

More testers: We’ve increased the size of our QA team over the past two months.
Automated testing: Automated testing can handle simple, routine tasks so our QA teammates can spend more time on in-depth testing.
The Known Issues page

Our goal for the Known Issues page is for all Trainers to easily find information about common or high-impact bugs they might experience. It isn’t meant to be a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or are actively working to fix.

However, we have discussed a better way to share information about issues affecting the GO Battle League, as well as how we can improve transparency on bugs affecting other features. We actively listen in community channels and investigate reported bugs, including those affecting the GO Battle League.

What are we doing about it?

We’ll create and update a separate page for issues related to the GO Battle League. We’ll also reassess how we determine which issues appear on the general Known Issues page and the cadence at which we update that page.

In the meantime, we’ve updated the Known Issues page to include several bugs related to the GO Battle League, and we’ve ensured their status accurately reflects their current resolution state. We’re actively working on resolving those issues, and we’ll update you on the Known Issues page when we have new information to share on our progress.

Closing thoughts

We are dedicated to continuously improving the Pokémon GO gameplay experience and will do so by making changes to our internal processes (such as testing) and communication (such as the Known Issues page). We hope that these next steps will help address those issues.

We’ll continue to update the Known Issues page as we make progress on bug fixes for the GO Battle League. Hopefully, those fixes find their way into your hands soon.

Until then, we’ve got work to do.

–The GO Battle League team
