Pokemon GO 屬性效果、抵抗力優點效果說明、官方屬性圖標說明20230604


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※更新文章日期: 2023-06-04

Pokemon GO 屬性效果、抵抗力優點效果說明、官方屬性圖標說明20230604




在 Pokémon GO 中,這意味著牠們所遭受的傷害甚至比「效果不太好」的攻擊要更少。




Y 軸 = 攻擊 X 軸 = 防禦 

綠色圓圈 = 效果絕佳
紅色三角形 = 效果不太好
空白 = 效果一般
黑色 X = 具有抵抗力
= 一般 = 火 = 水 = 草 = 電 = 格鬥 = 毒 = 地面 = 飛行 = 超能力
= 蟲 = 岩石 = 幽靈 = 冰 = 龍 = 惡 = 鋼 = 妖精

Some Pokémon are immune to certain types of attacks. In Pokémon GO, this means they take even less damage than other “not-very-effective” attacks. For instance, Ghost-type Pokémon are immune to Normal-type attacks and strong against Poison-type attacks, so a Pokémon using a Normal-type attack will do less damage than a Poison-type attack of the same strength.

Strength, Weakness, and Immunity by Type

Type Chart Legend

Y-axis = Attacking
X-axis = Defending
Green circle = Super effective
Red triangle = Not very effective
White space = Normal effectiveness
Black X = Immune
= Normal= Fire= Water= Grass= Electric= Fighting= Poison= Ground= Flying= Psychic= Bug= Rock= Ghost= Ice= Dragon= Dark= Steel= Fairy

