布撥、布土撥、巴布土撥推薦技能配招Pokemon GO 2023 IVCP


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※更新文章日期: 2023-09-11

布撥、布土撥、巴布土撥推薦技能配招Pokemon GO 2023 IVCP


巴布土撥推薦技能配招:電光, 近身戰, 瘋狂伏特

巴布土撥推薦打手剋星寶可夢:恰雷姆、九尾 阿羅拉 暗影、勾魂眼、帝牙海獅、小碎鑽、騎拉帝納 別種、克雷色利亞、帝牙海獅、噴火龍、泥巴魚 伽勒爾、帝牙盧卡、超夢、巨金怪、洛奇亞、暴鯉龍


Introducing the Mouse Pokémon #Pawmi and its evolution line ⚡️ 🐭

In the main series, you need to walk 100 steps with Pawmo outside its pokeball to evolve it into Pawmot. Niantic might make the same evolution requirement in GO 👀

