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※更新文章日期: 2023-10-04
寶可夢和梵谷博物館合作的活動周邊引起搶購潮,官方也在日前宣布由於「爆量需求」,這波產品都已經賣完了。有在關注卡牌社群的應該都知道,這次活動的灰帽梵谷皮已經炒到超高價了,梵谷博物館甚至祭出一人限購一張的規定,但仍然無法抵擋所謂的「overwhelming demand」。最後的結果就是東西快速賣光光,犧牲掉很多真心想參與活動,卻慢了點到場的人們。
We apologize to all the fans eagerly awaiting our Pokémon Center x Van Gogh Museum release today.
Due to overwhelming demand, all our products from this collection have sold out. We understand this is disappointing to many who were looking to our official email and social media channels for guidance on how and when to purchase. We are actively working on ways to provide more “Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat” promo cards for fans shopping at Pokémon Center in the future. Details will be released at a later date.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. #PokemonVanGoghMuseum
Pokémon × Van Gogh Museum 🖼 | Coming Soon!
「Pokémon×Van Gogh Museum」展覽資訊
地點:Museumplein 6, 1071 DJ Amsterdam, 荷蘭
@El Profesor Oák
El museo Van Gogh de Ámsterdam contará con ilustraciones de Pokémon basadas en cuadros de Van Gogh del 28 de septiembre del 2023 al 7 de enero de 2024.
También tendrán actividades de Pokémon en el museo y mercancía exclusiva.