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※更新文章日期: 2020-04-05
‧種子機關槍 能量 11 → 13 EPT 4.33 ‧能量球 10% 降低對手1階防禦 耗能 60 → 55 DPE 1.8
‧青草攪拌器 50% 降低對手1階攻擊 → 降低2階
‧原始之力 10% 增加自身攻擊/防禦各2階 傷害 70 → 45 DPE 1
‧銀色旋風 10% 增加自身攻擊/防禦各2階 傷害 70 → 45 DPE 1
‧奇異之風 10%增加自身攻擊/防禦各2階 傷害 50 → 45 能量 40 → 45 DPE 1
【新學會的技能】:麗花:種子機關槍 ● 毽子棉:燕返 ● 樂天河童:能量球 ● 搖籃百合:種子機關槍 ● 櫻花兒(晴天):氣象球(火) ● 巨蔓藤:岩崩
Pokemon Go官方公佈,為慶祝本月係屬於草屬性精靈的月份,草屬性的招式在玩家對戰的能力有所調整,以及部分草屬性精靈能夠習得更多草屬性招式!
P.S. 鬼龍在高級聯盟的地位有所減弱。
#精靈寶可夢 #POKEMON #不良蛙
【Pokemon GO】草系寶可夢招式變動!低調點太強勢會被下修!
In celebration of Pokémon’s Grass-type month, we’d like to highlight some changes to Grass-type attacks and Grass-type Pokémon in Trainer Battles, along with a few other changes.
Updates to existing attacks in Pokémon GO
There have been updates to the following existing attacks in Pokémon GO.
Bullet Seed – This Grass-type Fast Attack now generates energy more quickly.
Energy Ball – This Grass-type Charged Attack now reaches full charge more quickly and has a chance of lowering the opponent’s Defense by one stage.
Leaf Tornado – This Grass-type Charged Attack now has a chance of decreasing your opponent’s Attack by two stages.
Ancient Power – The damage that this Rock-type Charged Attack deals has been decreased in Trainer Battles.
Silver Wind – The damage that this Bug-type Charged Attack deals has been decreased in Trainer Battles.
Ominous Wind – The damage that this Ghost-type Charged Attack deals has been decreased in Trainer Battles. It also reaches full charge less quickly.
These changes will make Ancient Power, Silver Wind, and Ominous Wind more strategically similar to other moves that affect stats but with higher risk for the higher reward offered by these moves.
Pokémon that can learn more attacks
The following Pokémon will be able to learn attacks they couldn’t before.
Bellossom: Bullet Seed – The combination of this Grass-type Fast Attack with Bellossom’s Grass-type Charged Attack Leaf Blade makes Bellossom a powerful option as a Grass-type lead.
Jumpluff: Aerial Ace – Pairing the Flying-type Charged Attack Aerial Ace with the Grass-type Fast Attack Bullet Seed allows Jumpluff to use Charged Attacks more quickly.
Ludicolo: Energy Ball – This attack reaches full charge faster than Solar Beam, giving the Carefree Pokémon access to a different Grass-type Charged Attack to use with different play styles. Energy Ball could pair well with Bubble, one of Ludicolo’s Fast Attacks!
Cradily: Bullet Seed – This Grass-type Fast Attack will charge up Cradily’s Charged Attacks faster.
Sunshine Form Cherrim: Fire-type Weather Ball – This Fire-type Charged Attack is fitting for a Pokémon that appears when it’s sunny out.
Tangrowth: Rock Slide – Tangrowth can continue having a dominating lead against Kyogre and Groudon in Master League while making the Flying-type Pokémon often used to counter it more dependent on Protect Shields.
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—The Pokémon GO team