03/05「Pokemon GO Tour:關都地區」補償活動


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※更新文章日期: 2021-03-05

03/05「Pokémon GO Tour:關都地區」補償活動



由於 #PokémonGOTour:關都地區活動期間內系統發生問題

活動日期:2021年3月5日10:00 至 4月5日10:00 (Local)


Leek Duck

Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto – Bonus Event – Timed Research

• This Timed Research is only available for Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto paid ticket holders as part of the Bonus event.

「Pokémon GO Tour:關都地區」補償活動

● 活動時間:- 2021年3月5日10:00~4月5日10:00

● 活動內容
– 活動限定的限時挑戰登場– 張遠距團體戰入場券的免費禮盒– 30顆高級球 – 1個薰香模組 – 1個寶芬 – 1個超級孵化器 – 1個幸運蛋 – 1個銀色凰梨果 – 1個星星碎片 – 1個厲害一般招式學習器 – 1個厲害特殊招式學習器 – 1個特殊招式學習器 – 1個一般招式學習器 – 100顆夢幻的糖果

⚠️只有購買「Pokémon GO Tour:關都地區」入場券的訓練家可參加本次限時挑戰並領取獎勵

由於「Pokémon GO Tour:關都地區」活動期間內系統發生問題,導致部分未購買入場券的訓練家也能參加付費活動。我們迅速地修正了這個問題,但我們非常清楚這個問題讓各位付費參加活動的訓練家感到不快。 我們為這次的系統問題致上深切的歉意。為了讓各位能體驗本次活動入場券應帶來的獨特遊戲體驗,我們特別為購買入場券的訓練家們準備了加碼活動。


活動限定的限時挑戰登場! 30顆高級球 1個薰香模組 1個寶芬 1個超級孵化器 1個幸運蛋 1個銀色凰梨果 1個星星碎片 1個厲害一般招式學習器 1個厲害特殊招式學習器 1個特殊招式學習器 1個一般招式學習器 100顆夢幻的糖果 商店裡將推出內含3張遠距團體戰入場券的免費禮盒

請記得在台灣時間2021年4月5日10:00前領取免費禮盒,並完成限時挑戰。 只有擁有「Pokémon GO Tour:關都地區」入場券的訓練家可參加本次限時挑戰並領取獎勵。

此外,因本次系統問題而意外領取到「Pokémon GO Tour:關都地區」特殊調查的訓練家們,我們將不會刪除各位的特殊調查。

遊玩Pokémon GO時請務必遵守當地法令,並小心安全。未來活動將有可能調整。請務必追蹤我們的社群媒體、設定接收推播通知,並且訂閱我們的電子郵件,以獲得最新資訊。更多最新遊戲內活動和內容更新,請查看 協助中心文章。—Pokémon GO開發團隊敬上


Due to a technical issue that occurred during Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto, some Trainers were able to access the ticketed portion of the event without purchasing a ticket. We apologize for this issue, and to help Trainers who purchased a ticket feel like they are receiving its value, paid ticket holders will be able to participate in a bonus event.

Date + Time

Friday, March 5 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, April 5, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. local time


You’ll be able to earn the following items by completing event-exclusive Timed Research.
-30 Ultra Balls-A Lure Module-A Poffin-A Super Incubator-A Lucky Egg
-Three Silver Pinap Berries-A Star Piece-An Elite Fast TM-An Elite Charged TM
-A Charged TM-A Fast TM-100 Mew Candy

A free bundle containing three Remote Raid Passes will be available in the in-game shop.
Make sure to claim the free bundle and complete the Timed Research tasks by Monday, April 5, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. local time. Please note that this event will be available only to Trainers who purchased a Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto ticket.

Trainers who inadvertently received access to the ticketed portion of Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto without purchasing a ticket will still be able to access the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto Special Research.

Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated. For the latest on in-game events and feature updates, be sure to check this help center article.—The Pokémon GO team
