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※更新文章日期: 2021-03-14
PokemonGO 0.203.0更新說明
Android 0.203.0版本
Apple App Store 1.169.0版本
增加了消息「時間到了!」 在道館戰的計時快到時通知您。
允許訓練師擁有相等數量的糖果來交換糖果 XL。
修復了GO 對戰聯盟中的一個錯誤,寶可夢在昏迷的同時換寶可夢,再次顯示寶可夢換人菜單。
修復了GO 對戰聯盟中特殊調查動畫結束時,切換按鈕不可用的問題。
修復了一個錯誤,該錯誤中,如果關閉了訓練師的藍牙,「連接到Nintendo Switch」選項仍會顯示。
0.203 Release Notes
Note: For Apple Users, this release will show as version 1.169 in the App Store. Last updated: March 12, 2021
Release notes may be posted before the release is available to all players. Please check your app store for the latest version of Pokémon GO available to you.
Trainers can now more easily select all units of an item by tapping the minus button when the selection is at one, instead of having to press the plus sign to get to the maximum number.
When you complete a Timed Research task in your Today View that rewards a Pokémon Encounter, it will order itself to be on the top of the page if you exit the encounter.
Level-Up Research notifications will now appear from the left side of the screen to differentiate them from other research progress notifications.
Added the message “Time’s Up!” to notify you when the timer runs out for Gym Battles.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that forced Trainers to use Free or Premium Battle Passes when invited to a raid, accompanied by a “Walk Closer” message. Trainers are now able to join the raid they’re invited to with a Remote Raid Pass.
Allowed Candy XL exchanges when the Trainer has the exact number of Candy to convert to Candy XL.
Fixed a bug in GO Battle League that displayed the Pokémon switch menu again if a Pokémon was switched out at the same time as it fainted.
Fixed an issue in GO Battle League in which the switch buttons were unavailable at the end of the Charged Attack animation.
Fixed a bug that occasionally made Trainers unable to invite some Friends to raids until they changed their search.
Fixed a bug where if a Trainer’s Bluetooth was turned off, the “Connect to Nintendo Switch” option would still display.
Fixed a visual bug in which purified Shadow Pokémon still showed Shadow Pokémon features after purification.
Fixed several Russian and other language UI issues.
Fixed Pokémon icons failing to appear in the in-app notifications.
Known Issues
Please see our Known Issues page for a regularly updated list of issues currently being investigated by our engineering team. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working to fix, but rather a list of issues currently affecting the most players.
Upcoming Events
There is always something fun going on in Pokémon GO! Join us for events like Community Day, Raid Hours, and special themed events where you can encounter different Pokémon and enjoy bonuses. Visit pokemongolive.com for a list of events.