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※更新文章日期: 2021-07-23
07/09 Pokemon Go Fest 2021 、究極解鎖更多曝光資訊
活動時間:2021年7月23日10:00 至 2021年8月3日20:00 (Local)
!限時調查將出現在「今天」標籤頁 !活動結束時調查與獎勵將自動消失
祝各位好運!J #PokemonGO #UltraUnlock
@Leek Duck
Ultra Bonus Part 1: Time – Timed Research
超解鎖第 2 部分:空間
2021 年 8 月 6 日星期五早上午10 點至 2021 年 8 月 17 日星期二晚上 8 點
如果幸運的話,您可能會遇到色違的 未知圖騰 U!
如果幸運的話,您可能會遇到色違的 帕路奇亞!
最佳技能組 (帕路奇亞)
進攻 :龍尾 16.4 dps 流星群 50 dps
防禦 :龍尾 16.4 dps 流星群 50 dps
「帕路奇亞」是水系兼龍系寶可夢,在《Pokemon Go》的攻擊/防禦/耐力值分別為 280 / 215 / 189,攻擊力個體質是水系最強和龍系次強(僅次於烈空坐),按照最大 CP 值排列也是水系和龍系二當家,且防禦力不差,只有耐力值算中上。加上屬性優勢,僅於受到龍系和妖精系招式攻擊時有傷害加成,因此是非常值得投資訓練的神獸。
弱點:龍系 妖精系 抗性:鋼系 水系 火系(基本就是以龍系打龍系互剋的去硬打)
最佳打手:烈空坐 快龍 暴蠑螈 拉帝歐斯( 龍息龍 龍爪) 帕路奇犽 烈咬陸鯊(前提要開放才行)
次要打手:沙奈朵(念力 魔法閃耀) 波克基斯 騎拉帝納 沙漠蜻蜓 阿羅拉椰蛋樹( 龍尾 龍之波動)
Palkia 帕路奇亞 IV CP表(更新中)註明:色違未開放
Gen4_L1-L40 IV100_#484 帕路奇亞 Palkia
Gen4_L15+20+25_#484 帕路奇亞 Palkia
2021/7/23 10點 到 8/6 10點
GO Fest 第一階段時間:開放✨色違✨:帝牙盧卡、頭蓋龍、盾甲龍
活動時間:7/23、10點到 8/3、20點
Travel through time with Pokémon GO’s Ultra Unlock Part 1: Time event, running from July 23, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to August 3, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time. As a reward for heroically completing all 24 challenges in the Global Challenge Arena during Pokémon GO Fest 2021, Pokémon from various eras will be appearing more frequently—look for them in the wild, in raids, as Timed Research reward encounters, and hatching from Eggs. Best of all, Dialga, the Legendary Temporal Pokémon, will be appearing in five-star raids through August 6, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. local time. Lucky Trainers may even encounter a Shiny Dialga!
Additionally, Trainers can encounter Unown U, Cranidos, Shieldon, Bronzor, and Klink in one-star raids. Aerodactyl, Porygon2, and Golurk will be appearing in three-star raids.
Complete Timed Research and themed Field Research throughout the event for reward encounters with Pokémon from the past and future.
Throughout this time-traveling gala, the following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild: Voltorb, Porygon, Omanyte, Kabuto, Baltoy, Cranidos, Shieldon, and more.
Pokémon hatching from 7 km Eggs during Part 1 of the Ultra Unlock event include: Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, and Shieldon.
In addition to potentially encountering a Shiny Dialga, truly lucky Trainers might encounter a Shiny Unown U, a Shiny Cranidos, or a Shiny Shieldon.
Happy temporal travels, Trainers!
究極獎勵時間:7月23日 10:00起至 8月3日20:00止(當地時間)
全球挑戰①時間:7/23-8/3 (色違✨帝牙盧卡✨)
另Pokemon Go官方公佈,
將會是Go Fest 2021 究極獎勵第一部分的解鎖獎勵!
Gen4_L15+20+25_#483 帝牙盧卡 Dialga
帝牙盧卡 L15+20+25 版(Rev.6 修正顯示攻防體值)
483 帝牙盧卡 Dialga excellent 位置 投球
Pokémon Go 帝牙魯卡/捕捉技巧與心得影片分享
在You Tube 影片中按個讚👍及訂閱🔔「小白兒」 你們的支持與鼓勵與指教是我最大最大的動力❤️
Dialga excellent EX@小白兒
Pokemon Go官方公佈
將會是Go Fest 2021 究極獎勵第二部分的解鎖獎勵!
Gen2_L15+20+25_#214 赫拉克羅斯 Heracross
最佳技能組 (赫拉克羅斯)
進攻 :雙倍奉還 16 dps 近身戰 52.2 dps
防禦 :蟲之抵抗 12 dps 近身戰 52.2 dps
Pokemon Go官方公佈,
將會是Go Fest 2021 究極獎勵第一部分的解鎖獎勵!
GO FEST2021更多細節公布!增加究極獎勵預告完成24項挑戰解鎖三部分(時間,空間,???)
Pokemon Go官方公佈更多有關Pokemon Go Fest 2021活動的資料,亦公佈解鎖終極獎勵的內容。
🏁Pokémon GO Fest 2021 新增資訊
🚩從台北時間 2021 年 7 月 17日上午4點到 2021 年 7 月 19日下午2點
🚩7 月 17 日
1星團體戰:戴著美洛耶塔風格帽子伽勒爾小火馬.戴著美洛耶塔風格帽子 伽勒爾蛇紋熊戴.單首龍。
如果幸運的話,您可能會遇到色違的 伽勒爾小火馬.伽勒爾蛇紋熊.單首龍。
🚩7月18日:完成特殊任務,請務必在周日的活動時間內拍攝快照!通過這樣做,您會遇到戴著美洛耶塔風格帽子的 沙奈朵或 沙漠蜻蜓,具體取決於您之前的選擇。
🏁Pokémon GO Fest 2021 超解鎖
🚩超解鎖第 1 部分:時間
如果培訓師總共完成八項全球挑戰,他們將獲得超解鎖第 1 部分:時間。時間的流動會被打亂!來自不同時代的寶可夢將更頻繁地出現。
第 1 部分:時間將從當地時間 2021 年 7 月 23 日星期五早上10 點到 2021 年 8 月 3 日星期二晚上 8 點。
🚩超解鎖第 2 部分:空間
如果培訓師完成總共 16 項全球挑戰,他們將獲得超解鎖第 2 部分:太空的訪問權限。
第 2 部分:空間 將於當地時間 2021 年 8 月 6 日星期五上午 10 點至 2021 年 8 月 17 日星期二晚上 8 點舉行。
🚩超解鎖第 3 部分:目前???,靜待後續公布更詳細之內容。 (阿爾宙斯???)
Gen4_L1-L40 IV100_#493 阿爾宙斯 Arceus(一般-Normal)
Gen4_L15+20+25_#493 阿爾宙斯 Arceus(一般-Normal)
More Pokémon GO Fest 2021 details, as well as a preview of a new Ultra Unlock!
Pokémon GO Fest 2021 is quickly approaching, and we’re so excited to finally share more details on what to look forward to this year—including a new Ultra Unlock! Want to catch up on what we already shared? Check out the main event announcement, the Sunday gameplay reveal, and the Google Play sponsorship details blog!
In addition to previously announced Pokémon GO Fest 2021 details, all Trainers can look forward to the following.
Every Trainer will be able to make up to six Special Trades each day from Friday, July 16, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. to Sunday, July 18, 2021, at 11:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7).
Pikachu wearing a special Meloetta-inspired hat will be appearing in the wild during event hours on Saturday and Sunday. If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
During event hours on Saturday, July 17, the following Pokémon will be appearing in raids:
Galarian Ponyta and Galarian Zigzagoon wearing Meloetta-inspired hats will be appearing in one-star raids, as will Deino. If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Galarian Ponyta, a Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon, or a Shiny Deino!
Galarian Weezing, Hitmontop, and Cranidos will be appearing in three-star raids.
Evolve Kirlia (Ralts’s Evolution) during event hours on Saturday or Sunday to get a Gardevoir that knows Synchronoise.
Evolve Vibrava (Trapinch’s Evolution) during event hours on Saturday or Sunday to get a Flygon that knows Earth Power.
Pokémon GO Fest 2021 ticket holders can also look forward to the features listed below.
Certain Pokémon appearing during the event will know special attacks! Please note that only ticket holders will encounter these Pokémon.
Pikachu Pop Star will know Draining Kiss, and Pikachu Rock Star will know Meteor Mash. Pick the one you’d like to encounter as you complete your Special Research!
Gardevoir will know Synchronoise, and Flygon will know Earth Power—both will potentially be wearing Meloetta-inspired hats! As you complete your Special Research, you’ll be prompted to select which costumed Pokémon you’d like to encounter. This decision will determine if you encounter Gardevoir wearing a Meloetta-inspired hat or Flygon wearing a Meloetta-inspired hat during the event. Both Pokémon will be appearing as Special Research reward encounters, and, if you’re lucky, will also be attracted to Incense. The Pokémon you don’t select will be attracted to Incense during event hours, but it won’t be wearing a hat.
Make sure to take a snapshot during event hours on Saturday after completing your Special Research! By doing so, you’ll encounter either Pikachu Pop Star or Pikachu Rock Star, depending on your earlier choice.
Make sure to take a snapshot during event hours on Sunday after completing your Special Research! By doing so, you’ll encounter either Gardevoir or Flygon wearing a Meloetta-inspired hat, depending on your earlier choice.
Still not sure which Pikachu to pick? In addition to determining what music will accompany your Pokémon GO Fest experience, this choice will also affect which avatar pose you receive!
Trainers who select Pikachu Pop Star will get an iconic pose.
Trainers who select Pikachu Rock Star will get a rockin’ pose.
Speaking of avatars, avatar items exclusive to Pokémon GO Fest 2021 will also be available!
Some exciting music-themed avatar items will be making their debut in the in-game shop on Friday, July 16, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. PDT (GMT −7)., including shirts with Whismur-, Loudred-, and Exploud-inspired patterns, face stickers, and a guitar case backpack!
Trainers with tickets for Pokémon GO Fest 2021 will be rewarded with an exclusive Meloetta Shirt avatar item once they complete the event’s Special Research.
Don’t forget—the Pokémon GO Fest 2021 shirt avatar item is free for everyone, regardless of whether you have a ticket, and will be available starting on Friday, July 16, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. PDT. Let’s all celebrate Pokémon GO Fest together!
Trainers with shipping addresses in the United States, Canada, or Japan can also purchase a real commemorative shirt while supplies last. Learn more here.
Rotating habitat schedule
Similar to last year’s event, themed habitat hours will rotate globally in the following order: Jungle, Desert Mountain, Ocean Beach, and Cave. This rotation will begin with the Jungle habitat on Saturday, July 17, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. in the earliest participating time zone (UTC + 14) and rotate every hour, on the hour, until the event ends in the latest participating time zone. Note: Trainers will only experience habitats during event hours on Saturday, July 17, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time.
All Trainers will have the opportunity to enjoy each habitat hour twice during event hours on Saturday.
Pokémon GO Fest 2021 Ultra Unlock
Trainers will be able to work together in the Global Challenge Arena! This exclusive feature will be available only to ticket holders. In the Global Challenge Arena, Trainers will have the chance to join forces in order to complete a collaborative challenge each hour. If Trainers complete a challenge, they will earn a bonus for the remainder of the hour. You can check the Global Challenge Arena screen to keep track of global progress!
Complete a certain number of challenges in the Global Challenge Arena to unlock the following bonuses that will occur after Pokémon GO Fest 2021. Complete a total of 24 challenges in order to unlock all three!
Ultra Unlock Part 1: Time
If Trainers complete a total of eight global challenges, they’ll gain access to Ultra Unlock Part 1: Time. The flow of time will be disrupted! Pokémon from various eras will be appearing more often. Part 1: Time will run from Friday, July 23, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, August 3, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space
If Trainers complete a total of 16 global challenges, they’ll gain access to Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space. As Part 1: Time wraps up, we’ll set our eyes to its other dimensional counterpart: space! Space itself will be distorted as Pokémon from various places appear! Part 2: Space will run from Friday, August 6, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Ultra Unlock Part 3: ???
If Trainers complete a total of 24 global challenges, they’ll unlock Ultra Unlock Part 3: ???. What will happen once Parts 1 and 2 are over? Will these abnormal events continue to happen? What awaits us during Part 3? Stay tuned, Trainers—we’ll keep you posted on our findings! Part 3: ??? will run from Friday, August 20, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, August 31, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
We can’t wait for you all to experience the musical adventure we have in store. We hope this year’s Pokémon GO Fest experience can make playing from your favorite places feel extra special.
Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated. For the latest on in-game events and feature updates, be sure to check this help center article.—The Pokémon GO team
更多「Pokémon GO Fest 2021」的消息,以及究極解鎖的情報!
「Pokémon GO Fest 2021」即將到來,我們非常高興終於能分享更多包含了「究極解鎖」的活動消息!想回顧已經公布的內容嗎?請查看主要活動公告、活動第2天的內容,以及Google Play贊助詳情。
除了已經公佈的「Pokémon GO Fest 2021」的消息,訓練家們還能體驗以下內容:
持有Pokémon GO Fest 2021入場券的訓練家將能享受到更多內容。詳情如下:
在星期六的活動期間內完成特殊調查後,記得拍攝GO Snapshot照片!在拍攝之後,你將依據之前做出的選擇遇見「流行偶像皮卡丘」或「搖滾巨星皮卡丘」。
在星期天的活動期間內完成特殊調查後,記得拍攝GO Snapshot照片!在拍攝之後,你將依據之前做出的選擇遇見戴著美洛耶塔造型帽的「沙漠蜻蜓」或「沙奈朵」。
Pokémon GO Fest 2021限定的換裝道具也會登場!
從台灣時間7月17日(星期六)清晨開始,所有人無論是否持有入場券,都能免費獲得Pokémon GO Fest 2021上衣。
和去年一樣,棲息地的主題會在全世界隨著時段,以叢林、沙丘、海灘、洞穴的順序輪替。此輪替將從全世界最早參與的地方(UTC+14)的7月17日(星期六)10:00(台灣時間7月17日4:00)起,由叢林主題開始每小時進行輪替,直到最晚參與的時區輪替結束為止。 請注意:訓練家只能在台灣時間7月17日(星期六)10:00~18:00的活動期間遊玩棲息地的內容。
Pokémon GO Fest 2021究極解鎖
究極獎勵第一部分:時間 完成8個全球挑戰,將解鎖第一部分:時間。時間將產生扭曲,以各種時代為靈感的寶可夢在野外出現的機率將會提高。「第一部分:時間」於台灣時間7月23日(星期五)10:00~8月3日(星期二)20:00舉辦。
究極獎勵第二部分:空間 完成16個全球挑戰,將解鎖第二部分:空間。隨著「第一部分:時間」結束,我們將注意力轉移到另一個維度,也就是「空間」!如同空間產生扭曲似地,原本只在世界上特定地方出現的寶可夢變得隨處可見!「第二部分:空間」於台灣時間8月6日(星期五)10:00~8月17日(星期二)20:00舉辦。
究極獎勵第三部分:??? 完成24個全球挑戰,將解鎖第三部分:??? 。隨著時間和空間開始復原,誰知道另一側會發生什麼事。今年的究極獎勵第三部分中,等待著我們的會是什麼?請持續關注。我們會隨時告知各位新的發現!「第三部分:???」於台灣時間8月20日(星期五)10:00~8月31日(星期二)20:00舉辦。
遊玩Pokémon GO時請務必遵守當地法令,並小心安全。未來活動將有可能調整。請務必追蹤我們的社群媒體、設定接收推播通知,並且訂閱我們的電子郵件,以獲得最新資訊。更多最新遊戲內活動和內容更新,請查看 協助中心文章。
—Pokémon GO開發團隊敬上