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※更新文章日期: 2017-05-16


Back in December, we collectively walked past the equivalent distance of Earth to Pluto and now, we’re on a journey past the edge of the solar system! As of May 11, the Pokémon GO community has traveled more than 15.8 billion kilometers, and more adventures still await…
去年12月時,我們曾經公布訓練家步行的距離已經超越地球和冥王星之間的距離,而現在我們也不斷朝著太陽系的邊緣前進!5月11日的統計數字指出,所有Pokémon GO玩家步行的距離總計已超過158億公里,而我們的冒險仍然沒有盡頭。

Pokémon GO was developed for people to easily experience classic Pokémon gameplay on their mobile device and catch Pokémon in the real world. As a result, every day, people around the globe go outside, explore the world around them, make some new memories, and get some exercise along the way. We’d love to honor the memories created so far, and our collective journey yet to come, with the Pokémon GO Adventure Week celebration from 1:00 P.M. PDT on May 18 to 1:00 P.M. PDT on May 25, 2017.
Pokémon GO運用智慧型手機的GPS功能,讓玩家們可以在現實世界中捕捉寶可夢。在我們推出Pokémon GO之後,有越來越多的訓練家們每天出門尋找寶可夢、探索世界,創造更多美好的回憶。為了感謝各位訓練家至今的努力,並慶祝接下來即將開始的豐饒旅程,我們將在5月19日凌晨起舉辦為期一週的「Pokémon GO 驚奇冒險週」(至5月25日止)。
To help you stock up for your upcoming adventure, more items will be awarded from every PokéStop you visit, and Poké Balls will be 50% off in the in-game shop. Your Buddy Pokémon is also in the adventuring spirit and will find Candies four times as fast for the duration of the celebration. Whether you’re exploring your neighborhood or an exotic new location, make sure to watch for Rock-type Pokémon such as Omanyte, Kabuto, and their Evolutions. Keep an eye out—maybe you’ll even spot Aerodactyl!
Last but not least, you’ll notice an all-new avatar item has been added to your wardrobe—the Explorer’s Hat! Once Adventure Week begins, grab your new hat and head out on your journey.

We’re excited to see where Pokémon GO takes you this week. Document your journey with the Pokémon GO AR camera, post your photos on social media using #PokemonGO, and we’ll share some of our favorites on the new Pokémon GO Instagram channel! As you embark on your adventures, remember to always be alert and aware of your surroundings when playing Pokémon GO and be respectful of the communities and locations in which you play.
—The Pokémon GO team
這禮拜會帶Pokémon GO去哪裡玩呢?
然後加上 #PokemonGO 的標籤,在社群網路上跟大家分享吧!
玩Pokémon GO時請記得要小心自身安全,不要造成他人的困擾喔。
Pokémon GO 開發團隊敬上
5/19 凌晨4:00 – 5/26 凌晨4:00(台灣時間)
● 夥伴糖果4倍
● 新增探險帽子裝備
● 各類捕捉球種5折價
●化石翼龍● 小拳石●隆隆石
● 化石盔●鐮刀盔●大岩蛇

