【寶可夢】0.115.2 APK下載、QR好友、修正空白BUG


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※更新文章日期: 2018-08-18

【寶可夢】0.115.2 APK下載
檔案大小82.74 MB,APK下載點:請點我


•⁠您現在可以使用QR碼添加朋友  •⁠改進的神奇寶貝收藏搜索功能讓您使用“亮晶晶”一詞進行搜索
•⁠遊戲中的通知具有新的UI和交互功能  •⁠各種錯誤信息和性能更新

• ⁠You can now use QR Codes to add friends
• ⁠Improved Pokémon Collection search function lets you search using the term “Lucky”
• ⁠You can now view map details for PokéStops on your screen
• ⁠At-a-glance notifications now show when you have sent a Gift or increased your Friendship level with a friend
• ⁠Additional setting options let you hide Recently Caught Pokémon from friends
• ⁠In-game notifications have a new UI and interactive capabilities
• ⁠Various bug fixes and performance updates


