寶可夢 0.127.2 APK 下載、修復BUG當機錯誤


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※更新文章日期: 2018-11-15

寶可夢 0.127.2 APK 下載

0.127.2 APK下載:請點我


更新內容:Summary of our 0.127.2 data mine:
1. Meltan and Melmetal added into Pokemon GO-美祿坦加入
2. Nintendo Switch compatibility and Pokeball Plus support has been added-加入任天堂switch 、寶貝球相容性
3. A new item, Sinnoh Stone, has been found-新的進化石
4. A new Facebook Friends feature is in the works-新的FB好友功能
5. A new November 2018 “costume form” has been discovered-新衣服

