寶可夢0.129.2 APK下載、Pokemon GO APK


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※更新文章日期: 2018-12-01

寶可夢0.129.2 APK下載、Pokemon GO

Version: 0.129.2 (2018112800) APK下載點:請點我
– 您將能夠連接到您的Facebook帳戶,以將添加了PokémonGOTrainers的朋友(並且還選擇啟用此功能)添加到您的朋友列表中
– 您將能夠對您的朋友列表和神奇寶貝存儲進行反向排序
– 各種錯誤修復和性能更新
– You will be able to connect to your Facebook account to add Facebook friends who are Pokémon GO Trainers (and have also chosen to enable this feature) to your Friend List
– You will be able to reverse-sort your Friend List and Pokémon Storage
– Pokémon caught prior to the current calendar year will now have a unique indicator
– Various bug fixes and performance updates

