0.157.0 APK將更新訓練家對戰模式、火箭隊戰鬥系統更新、招式資料更新


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※更新文章日期: 2019-10-02

寶可夢0.157.0 APK將更新訓練家對戰模式、火箭隊戰鬥系統更新、招式資料更新

0.157.0 APK下載:請點我

Pokemon Go官方公佈2019年9月份有關玩家及火箭兵團對戰模式的調整,招式更新及新增招式!


戰鬥系統更新:團隊完善了現有系統,令Pokemon Go 0.157.0版本中的玩家對戰和火箭兵團戰鬥更加直覺和反應迅速。造成損害和充能的時機已經得到改善。

我們了解到,此問題為玩家提供了可能的知識缺口,使他們可以學習如何變通,從而在戰鬥中獲得優勢。 我們選擇對此進行調整,因為我們認為破壞和能量變化總是遲一步,這在本質上是不直觀的。 與在預計的Charge Attack之前快速切換不同,我們認為刷新率的特殊性無法做出有趣的遊戲決策。

精靈的生命條(HP) 受到傷害時會短暫跳動。部份現有招式已經有所調整。

Bubble Beam: 威力由45降至25,對戰時可令對手精靈攻擊降低一級

Power-Up Punch: 威力由40降至20

Psychic: 威力由100降至90,由1格技能變為2格技能,對戰時隨機令對手精靈的防禦降低一級

Snarl: 威力由8降至5,能量由10升至13


穿山甲(阿羅拉形態):新增Ice Punch
高超鴨:新增Bubble Beam, Synchronoise, Cross Chop
格拉格拉(阿羅拉形態):新增Fire Spin, Flame Wheel
巨翅飛魚:新增Bubble Beam
大嘴娃:新增Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Power-Up Punch
瑪狃拉:新增Snarl (快技)


Thunder Fang(電系快技)

Ice Fang (冰系快技)

P.S. 改動最大應該係Psychic

0.157.0 新增了17個新招式
整理 : 皮在癢 2019.09.28

可學習此招式寶可夢:Arcanine風速狗, Steelix大鋼蛇, Mightyena大狼犬 and Hippowdon河馬獸.
• MOVE_ICE_FANG_FAST 冰凍牙/冰屬性招式
可學習此招式寶可夢:Suicune水君, Mightyena大狼犬, Mawile大嘴娃, Hippowdon河馬獸 and Drapion龍王蠍.

• MOVE_LUNGE 猛撲/蟲屬性招式
• MOVE_CRUSH_CLAW 撕裂爪/一般屬性招式
• MOVE_OCTAZOOKA 章魚桶炮/水屬性招式
• MOVE_MIRROR_SHOT 鏡光射擊/鋼屬性招式
• MOVE_SUPER_POWER 蠻力/格鬥屬性招式
• MOVE_FELL_STINGER 致命針刺/蟲屬性招式
• MOVE_LEECH_LIFE 吸血/蟲屬性招式
• MOVE_DRAIN_PUNCH 吸取拳/格鬥屬性招式
• MOVE_SHADOW_BONE 暗影之骨/幽靈屬性招式
• MOVE_RAZOR_SHELL 貝殼刃/水屬性招式
• MOVE_GIGA_IMPACT 終極衝擊/一般屬性招式
• MOVE_LOCK_ON_FAST 鎖定/一般屬性招式
• MOVE_HORN_DRILL 角鑽/一般屬性招式
• MOVE_FISSURE 地裂/地面屬性招式

#026 雷丘 Raichu(阿羅拉-Alola)
新增 THUNDER SGOCK 電擊/電屬性招式

#028 穿山王 Sandslash(阿羅拉-Alola)
新增 ICE PINCH 冰凍拳/冰屬性招式

#038 九尾 Ninetales(阿羅拉-Alola)
新增 CHARM 撒嬌/妖精屬性招式

#055 哥達鴨 Golduck
新增 BUBBLE BEAM 泡沫光線/水屬性招式
新增 SYNCHRONOISE 同步干擾/超能力屬性招式
新增 CROSS CHOP 十字劈/格鬥屬性招式

#059 風速狗 Arcanine
新增 THUNDER FANG 雷電牙/電屬性招式

#105 嘎啦嘎啦 Marowak(阿羅拉-Alola)
新增 FIRE SPIN 火焰旋渦/火屬性招式
新增 FLAME WHEE 火焰輪/火屬性招式

#208 大鋼蛇 Steelix
新增 THUNDER FANG 雷電牙/電屬性招式

#226 巨翅飛魚 Mantine
新增 BUBBLE BEAM 泡沫光線/水屬性招式

#245 水君 Suicune
新增 ICE FANG 冰凍牙/冰屬性招式

#262 大狼犬 Mightyena
新增 THUNDER FANG 雷電牙/電屬性招式
新增 ICE FANG 冰凍牙/冰屬性招式

#303 大嘴娃 Mawile
新增 ICE FANG 冰凍牙/冰屬性招式
新增 FIRE FANG 火焰牙/火屬性招式
新增 Power-Up Punch 增強拳/格鬥屬性招式

#450 河馬獸 Hippowdon
新增 THUNDER FANG 雷電牙/電屬性招式
新增 ICE FANG 冰凍牙/冰屬性招式

#452 龍王蠍 Drapion
新增 ICE_FANG 冰凍牙/冰屬性招式

#461 瑪狃拉 Weavile
新增 SNARL 大聲咆哮/惡屬性招式


September 27, 2019
Community Note: Combat-system updates, more attacks, and other changes coming to Trainer Battles


In our previous Community Note, we outlined some changes that came to Pokémon GO that made Trainer Battles a more fun and competitive experience. In this update, we’re excited to announce more changes focusing on Trainer Battles!

Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll see some changes in Pokémon GO’s various combat systems.

Updates to the combat system

Our team has polished the existing system to make Trainer Battles and Team GO Rocket battles more intuitive and responsive in Pokémon GO version 0.157.0.

The timing for damage dealt and energy charged has been improved.
We understand this issue provided a possible knowledge gap that players could learn to work around, giving them an edge in battle. We chose to adjust this since we think it was fundamentally unintuitive that damage and energy changes always ran one move late. Unlike with quickly switching before a predicted Charged Attack, we don’t think the particularities of our refresh rate make for interesting gameplay decisions.
A Pokémon’s health bar will briefly pulse when it receives damage.
Exciting updates to existing attacks in Pokémon GO!

Along with updates to the combat system, there will also be some updates to select attacks.

Bubble Beam – Bubble Beam will now have a reliable attack debuff, which decreases an opponent Pokémon’s attack stat by one stage. We’re excited to see what strategies this change kicks off.

Power-Up Punch – Power-Up Punch’s primary purpose was intended to be rapidly boosting the attack of your Pokémon if your opponent doesn’t respond quickly. The damage for Power-Up Punch will be decreased in order to help Pokémon that can learn Power-Up Punch play differently from one another by using their other attacks for damage. This should also provide clearer counterplay—not blocking your opponent’s Power-Up Punches is now a more obviously right response!

Psychic – Psychic will now deal more damage and be usable sooner in Gym, Raid, and Trainer Battles. This rework is intended to make Psychic a more viable Psychic-type attack in both raids and Trainer Battles. Trainers now also have the chance to decrease an opponent Pokémon’s defense stat whenever the move is used in Trainer Battles.

Snarl – Snarl has been updated to have a clearer energy-generation role among Dark-type Fast Attacks. This should help the primarily offensive-leaning Pokémon with Snarl, like Arcanine and Luxio, use important Charged Attacks before fainting, as well as giving the more defensive Suicune and Umbreon more frequent access to their Charged Attacks.

More attacks will also be coming to Pokémon GO!

Certain Pokémon will soon be able to learn attacks that hadn’t yet been seen in Pokémon GO!

Thunder Fang: An Electric-type Fast Attack – Arcanine, Steelix, Mightyena, Hippowdon
Ice Fang: An Ice-type Fast Attack – Suicune, Mightyena, Mawile, Hippowdon, Drapion
Fire Fang damage has been increased to match the damage that Thunder Fang and Ice Fang deal.

Additional moveset updates

The following Pokémon will be able to learn attacks they couldn’t before:

026 Alolan Raichu: Thundershock – This Fast Attack will let Alolan Raichu surf its way to faster Charged Attacks to help make up for its light defenses.

028 Alolan Sandslash: Ice Punch – This Charged Attack lets Alolan Sandslash more reliably dish out fast and high-powered Ice-type damage in the Great and Ultra Leagues.

038 Alolan Ninetales: Charm – This addition allows Alolan Ninetales to have a powerful Fast Attack option as an alternative to its more Charged-Attack-focused Ice-type attack set in the Great and Ultra Leagues.

055 Golduck: Bubble Beam, Synchronoise, Cross Chop – With access to a few new tricks, Golduck has a new and unique pool of Charged Attacks that should help it stand out against the many other Water types in Ultra League.

105 Alolan Marowak: Fire Spin, Flame Wheel – Alolan Marowak’s original move pool made it hard to use any Fire-type attacks in practice. Adding Fire Spin and Flame Wheel should give this Pokémon options to reliably deal Fire-type damage.

226 Mantine: Bubble Beam – Giving Mantine the new and improved Bubble Beam gives it a more supportive role among Great League Water types.

303 Mawile: Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Power-Up Punch – Fire Fang or Ice Fang combined with Power-Up Punch allow Mawile to pose a real threat in Great League. Mawile’s weakness to Fire-type attacks keeps it a balanced competitor.

461 Weavile: Snarl – Snarl allows Weavile to hold its own as a fragile but powerful Dark-type attacker against Team GO Rocket, Raid Bosses, and Master League opponents.

We’re excited to see the teams you build with these changes, Trainers. Stay tuned, as we’ll be sharing more updates like these in the future. Good luck on the battlefield!

—The Pokémon GO team

