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※更新文章日期: 2020-06-14

06/12關於GO 對戰聯盟的舞弊行為!

#劉沛寶可夢 #寶可夢作弊 #Go對戰聯盟
對戰聯盟被作弊玩家破壞了!? 賺取皮幣變容易了!? 季節以及蟲屬性活動公開!!【劉沛 寶可夢⁵ 72】

@ FB 精靈寶可夢 Pokemon Go:相關討論

關於GO 對戰聯盟的舞弊行為  最後更新日: 2020年6月12日

各位訓練家們,我們想對這兩天的各種 “舞弊行為” 文章和基本情況進行說明。

作為一個團隊,我們相信GO 對戰聯盟中存在著一種“契約型信任”:您應該感受到您的知識和技能始終決定了您的對戰結果。我們對直接攻擊了這種契約型信任的作弊無法容忍。

鑑於此零容忍政策和目前的情況,我們已經中止了GO 對戰聯盟。



1. 分析問題-資料分析是我們在此程序中最重要的工作。輕率的行動(即不進行分析)可以解決當前的問題;但這將使舞弊行為在往後有機會再次出現。
2. 判斷嚴重度-根據我們的分析,我們將確定(a)舞弊行為所需的技術知識水平,及(b)該行為對GO 對戰聯盟的完整性造成多大的負面影響。
3. 相應地減輕影響。

根據以上概述的程序,GO 對戰聯盟的中止意味著我們針對目前的情況已經到了 “減輕影響 “的步驟。大量的幕後工作正在進行,一旦我們確信“契約型信任”能被履行,我們將重新開啟GO 對戰聯盟。

Note to Trainers Regarding GO Battle League Exploit
Last updated: June 12, 2020
Trainers, we want to comment on the various “exploit” posts from the past two days and the underlying situation.

As a team, we believe there is a “contract of trust” in GO Battle League: you should always feel your knowledge and skill determine the outcome of your battles. Cheating directly attacks this trust contract, and we have zero tolerance for it.

Because of this zero tolerance policy and the current situation, we’ve disabled GO Battle League.

We’re equally serious about our policy of never commenting on the details of investigations into individual accounts. Here’s what we can share.

When a possible exploit is identified, we follow this process:
Analyze the issue – Data analysis is the most important work we do during this process. Rash action (i.e. no analysis) can solve the immediate issue; however, it leaves the door open for the exploit to return in the future.
Determine severity – Based on our analyses, we determine (a) the level of technical knowledge needed to abuse the exploit and (b) how badly the exploit harms the integrity of GO Battle League.
Mitigate accordingly

Based on the above outlined steps, the disabling of GO Battle League means we’ve arrived at the “mitigation” step of our process for the current situation. There is plenty of work happening behind the scenes, and we’ll re-enable GO Battle League once we’re confident the “trust contract” will be honored.

