PokémonGO 0.187.0 Apple 上架、可支援 iOS 14 系統了!


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※更新文章日期: 2020-09-17

PokémonGO 0.187.0 Apple 上架、可支援 iOS 14 系統了!

親愛的訓練家們:@Professor Jiang

#PokémonGO 的更新版本 (0.187.0) 已經在Apple的App Store上架,此版本亦支援 iOS 14 的裝置。

Niantic Support @NianticHelp
Trainers, we’re happy to share that Pokémon GO version 0.187.0 is now available on the Apple App Store. Trainers with devices on iOS 14 will be able to play Pokémon GO on this version.
