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※更新文章日期: 2021-01-30



活動 時間:2/2(二)10:00 至 2/7(日)20:00



1. 阿柏蛇、瓦斯彈、阿利多斯、千針魚、狃拉、戴魯比、長鼻葉、臭鼬噗、鉗尾蠍與百足蜈蚣更常出現在野外

2. 可以從怪蛋中孵出以下寶可夢:千針魚、幼基拉斯、龍蝦小兵、阿勃梭魯、鉗尾蠍、黑眼鱷、滑滑小子、駒刀小兵、禿鷹ㄚ頭與單首龍

3. 以下寶可夢將會出現在團體戰
(1) 1 星團體戰:阿羅拉喵喵、阿羅拉臭泥、天蠍、狃拉、小貓怪和齒輪兒
(2) 3 星團體戰:尼多后、阿利多斯、月亮伊布、班基拉斯和阿勃梭魯
(3) 5 星團體戰:雷公和水君(注意,雷公結束後才輪到水君)
(4) 超級團體戰:超級電龍、超級妙蛙花與超級黑魯加


1. GO 火箭隊手下會將以下寶可夢暗影化:小山豬、朝北鼻、可可多拉、海豹球、觸手百合、太古羽蟲等
2. GO 火箭隊手下的寶可夢陣容將會更換,活動結束後不會換回來
3. 打敗 GO 火箭隊幹部有機會獲得幹部主題的貼圖
4. 火箭隊佔領更多補給站以及熱氣球更常出現


1. 活動主題的田野調查以及限時調查課題
2. 孵蛋距離減半

January 27, 2021  Team GO Rocket is celebrating? Smells like trouble!

Trainers,Team GO Rocket is celebrating—but why? It’s up to you to find out! Here’s what you can expect during the Team GO Rocket Celebration event.

Date + Time :Sources point to this event occurring from Tuesday, February 2, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, February, 7, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time.

Features:We’ve received word that Team GO Rocket Grunts will be turning the following Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon: Swinub, Nosepass, Aron, Spheal, Lileep, Anorith, and more.
Team GO Rocket Grunts will also have different teams of Pokémon during the event and after its conclusion.
Defeat Team GO Rocket Leaders during the event for a chance to receive a Team GO Rocket Leader Gift sticker.
Be on the lookout for Pokémon like Golbat, Koffing, Ariados, Qwilfish, Sneasel, Houndour, Nuzleaf, Stunky, Skorupi, and Venipede appearing more often in the wild!
Qwilfish, Larvitar, Corphish, Absol, Skorupi, Sandile, Scraggy, Pawniard, Vullaby, and Deino will be hatching from Strange Eggs during and after the event.

The following Pokémon will be appearing in raids.
One-star raids: Alolan Meowth, Alolan Grimer, Gligar, Sneasel, Shinx, and Klink.
Three-star raids: Nidoqueen, Ariados, Umbreon, Tyranitar, and Absol.
Five-star raids: Raikou and Suicune will both be appearing at different times. Please see the February events blog for more info on the Raid Boss schedule in February.
Mega Raids: Mega Venusaur, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Houndoom.
Event-exclusive Field Research and Timed Research will be available.

The Team GO Rocket–themed Timed Research that begins during the Johto Celebration event will continue during this event and will reward an encounter with the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh that knows the exclusive attack Earthquake!

Keep a lookout for more invaded PokéStops and Team GO Rocket balloons than usual!

Half Egg Hatch Distance when an Egg is placed inside an Incubator during the event.
Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated. For the latest on in-game events and feature updates, be sure to check this help center article.—The Pokémon GO team
