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※更新文章日期: 2021-08-06


致我們的 Pokémon GO 社群:


和世界各地的其他人一樣,我們的團隊一直在努力適應全球健康環境。我們最近在美國和紐西蘭所做的「探索獎勵更改」旨在恢復玩家在 2020年之前享受的一些基本元素,並再次獎勵玩家的行走路和探索。鼓勵人們親自探索、鍛煉和安全地一起玩遊戲,仍然是 Niantic 的使命。

玩家的健康和福祉是我們的首要任務,這就是為什麼我們在被認為安全的特定地區實施了新的戶外探索獎勵。研究表明,在戶外散步是安全的,並具有多種健康益處。此外,鼓勵戶外探索符合 Niantic 的使命。也就是說,我們將繼續監控與戶外活動相關的健康和安全指南,並在必要時進行更改。

我們已經聽取了您對一項特別更改的反饋——補給站及道館互動距離的更改。從美國和紐西蘭開始,我們將互動距離從 80米恢復到原來的 40米,因為我們希望人們能連接到現實世界的真實地點,並參觀值得探索的地方。

但是,我們清楚地聽到了您的意見,因此為了解決您提出的問題,我們正在採取以下行動: 我們正在組建一個內部跨職能團隊來製定提案,旨在保持我們激勵人們探索世界,同時還解決了有關互動距離的具體問題。我們將在下一個賽季換季(9 月 1 日)之前分享該工作組的調查結果。作為此過程的一部分,我們還將在未來幾天與社群領袖聯繫,加​​入我們的對話。


官方BLOG@A Response To Our Pokémon GO Community

To our Pokémon GO community:

We appreciate your letter and all of your feedback. We hear you. We are humbled by your response. Not every game has such a passionate, global player base that we’re fortunate enough to have.

Like everyone else around the world, our team has been working very hard to adapt to the global health environment. The recent Exploration Bonus changes we’ve made in the U.S. and New Zealand are designed to restore some of the foundational elements players enjoyed prior to 2020, and reward players once again for moving and exploring. Encouraging people to explore, exercise and safely play together in person remains Niantic’s mission.

The health and wellbeing of players is our top priority, which is why we have implemented the new Exploration Bonuses in select geographies where it is deemed safe to be outdoors. Research has shown that taking walks outside is safe and confers several health benefits. Furthermore, encouraging outdoor exploration is in keeping with Niantic’s mission. That said, we will continue to monitor health and safety guidance related to outdoor activities, and will make future changes if necessary.

We have heard your feedback about one change in particular – that of the PokéStop and Gym interaction distance. We reverted the interaction distance from 80 meters back to the original 40 meters starting in the U.S. and New Zealand because we want people to connect to real places in the real world, and to visit places that are worth exploring.

However, we have heard your input loud and clear and so to address the concerns you have raised, we are taking the following actions: We are assembling an internal cross-functional team to develop proposals designed to preserve our mission of inspiring people to explore the world together, while also addressing specific concerns that have been raised regarding interaction distance. We will share the findings of this task force by the next in game season change (September 1). As part of this process, we will also be reaching out to community leaders in the coming days to join us in this dialogue.

Our goal is to build fun and engaging experiences that remain true to our mission, and we thank you for challenging us with thoughtful and constructive feedback.

-The Niantic Team

