Pokoemon GO Tour 與 Tour:Live 常見問題Q&A


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※更新文章日期: 2022-02-17

Pokoemon GO Tour 與 Tour:Live 常見問題Q&A

GO Tour: Johto 常見問題

Pokémon GO Tour:城都 和 Pokémon GO Tour:Live 有什麼不同?

雖然 Pokémon GO Tour:城都 和 Pokémon GO Tour:Live 都是 Pokémon GO Tour 活動的一部分,但為各自具有獨特遊戲元素、獎勵和專屬寶可夢的獨立活動。

「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」為慶祝城都地區的全球活動。 此活動開放給所有訓練家,不論在何處都可以參加。 購買入場券將使訓練家能夠體驗更多活動內容。 部分內容無須購買入場券即可體驗。

Pokémon GO Tour:Live 是僅在特定城市舉行的實體活動。 訓練家必須購買入場券才能參加,並且必須到場才能體驗活動。 此活動沒有免費或全球遊玩內容。

Pokémon GO Tour:城都

如何購買「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券:

「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」活動門票已在應用程式內的商店上架。 無法使用寶可幣購買票券。 有關「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」的更多詳細資訊,請參閱我們的官方部落格。

購買「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券:點選商店活動欄中的「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」圖片。點擊“購買”按鈕。畫面上將出現彈出式視窗,通知您已成功購買「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」的入場券。點擊“OK”,入場券就會出現在您的包包裡。

您在活動開始數天前將獲得一面參加獎牌。 將會出現選擇「金版」或「銀版」的提示。

不論在何處,只要在活動期間內開啟應用程式,就能體驗「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」帶來的精彩活動並取得特殊調查課題。 您必須在指定的活動時間內打開應用程式以收集特殊調查。

只要取得特殊調查課題後,您可以依自己的步調完成。 此活動入場券恕不接受退費(根據適用法律和服務條款中所列的例外情況)。

您可以在活動結束前購買入場券 ,但請注意,如果您是在活動開始後才購買入場券的話,則可能會錯過一些以前的內容。


部分來自城都地區的寶可夢將在野外、團體戰出現,或是從7公里蛋孵出。 有些來自城都地區,但原本僅在特定地區出現的寶可夢也將在世界各地的團體戰登場。



「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」的售票活動將提供不同的版本,部分出現的寶可夢會隨版本而異。 如要完成活動的收藏家挑戰,你需要與參加不同活動版本的朋友進行交換。

在活動期間,此活動專屬的寶可夢會受薰香吸引。 此外,依所選版本不同,與特定的異色寶可夢相遇的機會也會偏高,如下所述。

一旦你決定了活動版本就無法更動,所以請謹慎選擇! 請注意,版本選擇將在活動開始前,現在不必立刻選擇。

有關各版本活動細節,請參閱我們的 部落格。

「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」的特殊調查選項有哪些?


如果你在以下日期前購買「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券,就能參加名勝古蹟的季節1月和2月的限時調查!


請注意,您必須在 1 月 1 日至 10 日 之間登入應用程式才能收到1月限時調查,在 2 月 1 日至 10 日之間登入應用程式才能收到2月限時調查。

只有「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券持票人能獲得免費的 限時調查。


完成活動限定特殊調查將能獲得與幻之寶可夢「時拉比」相遇的機會。 活動期間內捕捉的時拉比將學會招式「魔法葉」!

完成特殊調查後,將能獲得獨家的大師調查。 這將會考驗到訓練家的技能,並進行很長一段時間。

我購買了「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券,但沒有出現在我的帳戶。

購買後最多可能需要 72 小時才會顯示在您的帳戶中。 如果超過 72 小時,仍未看到「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券,請從應用程式內聯繫我們。


「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券無法退款或轉讓給其他帳戶。*


Pokémon GO Tour:Live

如何購買「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」入場券:

「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」入場券能從「Pokémon GO Tour」網頁 或在Pokémon GO應用程式內點擊活動標籤進行購買。 活動內容僅於指定日期時間的活動地點現場有效。 有關「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」的更多詳細資訊,請參閱我們的官方部落格。

​​請注意,此活動入場券無法退款(根據適用法律和服務條款中所列的例外情況)。 入場券數量有限,售完為止。

「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」的活動地點在哪裡?

「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」將舉辦於以下地點的2022年2月27日10:00至18:00 (當地時間)。 「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」入場券持票人僅能於指定的日期時間及地點參加活動。 即使購買了入場券,在其他場所將無法取得活動內容。


星期六和星期日的活動入場券為個別販售。 訓練家可以購買「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券和「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」入場券來參加這兩天的活動。

請注意,「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」入場券持票人僅能於指定的日期時間及地點參加活動。 即使購買了入場券,在其他場所將無法取得活動內容。

只有「Pokémon GO Tour:城都地區」入場券持票人能於2月26日(星期六)選擇金版或銀版。 同時購買全球和Live入場券並不能讓您玩兩個版本。

是否能帶未持票的朋友或家人參加「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」?


請注意,未購票玩家訪問活動現場可能會根據當地的 Covid-19 遵循指引進行更改。 所有人都必須遵守當地及活動的健康和安全條例。

持有「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」入場券,但離開活動空間後還能繼續遊玩嗎?

「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」入場券持票人僅能於「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」指定的日期時間及地點參加活動。 如果購買了入場券但在這些地點之外進行遊戲,將無法取得城市中團體戰外的任何活動內容,但仍然能遊玩「Pokémon GO Tour:Live」以外的內容。


GO Tour: Johto Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: 1d Key event details:

What is the difference between Pokémon GO Tour: Johto and Pokémon GO Tour: Live?

While Pokémon GO Tour: Johto and Pokémon GO Tour: Live are both part of the Pokémon GO Tour celebration, they are separate events with unique gameplay elements, bonuses and featured Pokémon.
Pokémon GO Tour: Johto is the global celebration of the Johto region. This event is open to all Trainers and can be played wherever you are. Purchasing a ticket will allow Trainers to experience more of what the event has to offer. There are also components to this event that can be experienced without purchasing a ticket.
Pokémon GO Tour: Live is an in-person event held only in specific cities. Trainers must purchase a ticket to attend and must be present in the location to experience the event. There is no free or global gameplay component to this event.

Pokémon GO Tour: Johto

How do I purchase a ticket for Pokémon GO Tour: Johto?

Tickets to Pokémon GO Tour: Johto are available in the in-app Shop. Tickets can’t be purchased with PokéCoins. For detailed information about Pokémon GO Tour: Johto, please see our official blog.

To purchase a Pokémon GO Tour: Johto Ticket:
Tap the Pokémon GO Tour: Johto image in the Events section of the Shop.
Tap the “Buy” button.
You’ll then see a pop-up indicating that you’ve received a ticket for Pokémon GO Tour: Johto.
Tap “OK” and you’ll find the ticket in your Item Bag.

A few days before the event, you’ll receive a medal for participation. You will also be asked to choose between the Gold Version and Silver Version of the event.

When you open the app during the event, you’ll receive access to the Pokémon GO Tour: Johto experience, including the accompanying Special Research story event, wherever you are. You’ll have to open the app during the specified event time to collect the Special Research.

After you’ve collected the Special Research, you can complete it at any time. The ticket to this event is nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service).

You can purchase tickets until the end of the event. Keep in mind that if you purchase your ticket after the event starts, you may miss out on some of the earlier content.

I don’t want to buy a ticket, can I still participate?

The following features will be available to all Trainers during the event, regardless of whether they purchase a ticket!

Some Pokémon originally discovered in Johto will be appearing in the wild, appearing in raids, and hatching from 7 km Eggs. Some Pokémon originally discovered in Johto that are usually exclusive to certain regions in the world will also be appearing in raids worldwide.

Pokémon such as Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Togepi will be hatching from 2 km Eggs you receive by spinning PokéStops.

You’ll be able to complete Timed Research related to Trainer Battles.
Certain Pokémon, when evolved during the event period, will know a move previously released on their Community Day.
Learn more about what’s available in the ticketed and non-ticketed experience on our blog.

What is the difference between Gold and Silver?

Pokémon GO Tour: Johto will feature different versions of the ticketed experience, each with version-exclusive Pokémon. To complete the event’s Collection Challenges, you’ll need to trade with friends who have the other event version.

Version-exclusive Pokémon will be attracted to Incense during event hours. Additionally, you’ll have a greater chance of encountering certain Shiny Pokémon depending on which version you choose, as outlined below.

Once you choose your event version, you can’t change it, so pick carefully! Note that you’ll pick your version closer to the event date, so don’t worry about choosing right now.

For detailed information about event details for each version, please see our official blog.

What are the Pokémon GO Tour: Johto Research options?

Timed Research

If you purchase a ticket to the global Pokémon GO Tour: Johto event by the following dates, you’ll also receive access to the Season of Heritage’s January and February Timed Research!
Purchase by Monday, January 10, 2022 local time, to get both the January and February Timed Research.
Purchase by Thursday, February 10, 2022 local time, to get only the February Timed Research.
Note: To claim January Timed Research you must login to the app between January 1-10 and to claim the February Timed Research you must login to the app between February 1-10.

Only Pokémon GO Tour: Johto ticket holders will receive the complimentary Timed Research.

Special Research

You’ll be able to complete event-exclusive Special Research, leading to an encounter with the Mythical Pokémon, Celebi. Make sure to catch Celebi during the event for the special move – Magical Leaf.

Once you complete the Special Research, you’ll be able to access an exclusive Masterwork Research story. This will test your skills as a Trainer and is intended to be worked on over a long period of time.

I purchased a GO Tour: Johto ticket but it hasn’t appeared in my account

It may take up to 72 hours for your purchase to appear in your account. If it has been longer than 72 hours and you still don’t see your GO Tour: Johto ticket, please reach out to our in-app support for assistance.

How can I get a refund or transfer my ticket to someone else?

Pokémon GO Tour: Johto tickets are non refundable or transferable to other accounts.*

*Subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service.

Pokémon GO Tour: Live

How do I purchase a ticket for Pokémon GO Tour: Live?

Tickets to Pokémon GO Tour: Live are available through the Pokémon GO Tour website or by tapping on the Events tab in the Pokémon GO app. Event gameplay will be available only at the live event locations on the specified date and time. For more information about GO Tour: Live, please see our official blog.

Note: Tickets to this event are nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Tickets are first come, first served and will be available for purchase while supplies last.

Where are the Pokémon GO Tour: Live events?

The Pokémon GO Tour: Live event will be held at the following locations on February 27th, 2022 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. local time. Event gameplay for Pokémon GO: Live ticket holders will be available only at these physical locations on the specified date and time. If you purchase a ticket but attempt to play outside of these locations, you will not be able to access any event content.
Monterrey, Mexico at Parque Fundidora
Kaohsiung, Taiwan at the Taiwan Lantern Festival

Can I play on both Saturday and Sunday?

Tickets to play on both Saturday and Sunday are sold separately. Trainers can participate in both days by purchasing tickets to both Pokémon GO Tour: Johto and the in-person Pokémon GO Tour: Live events.

Please keep in mind that event gameplay for Pokémon GO: Live ticket holders will be available only at GO Tour: Live physical locations on the specified date and time. If you purchase a ticket but attempt to play outside of these locations, you will not be able to access any event content.

Only Pokémon GO Tour: Johto ticket holders will be able to select a Gold Version or Silver Version on Saturday, February 26th. Purchasing both a Global and Live ticket will not allow you to play both versions.

If I attend one of the GO Tour: Live events, can I bring an unticketed friend or family member with me?

You are able to bring unticketed friends or family members into the event location with you, however they will not experience any of the gameplay for ticketed players.

Please keep in mind that access to our live event space for unticketed players is subject to change based on local Covid-19 compliance directives. All persons must follow local and event health and safety ordinances.

If I have a GO Tour: Live ticket and leave the event space, can I still play?

Event gameplay for Pokémon GO: Live ticket holders will be available only at Pokémon GO Tour: Live physical locations on the specified date and time. If you purchase a ticket but attempt to play outside of these locations, you will not be able to access any event content outside of the citywide raids. You will still have access to non-event Pokémon GO gameplay outside of the Pokémon GO Tour: Live physical event spaces.

