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※更新文章日期: 2022-09-25
在動態島養一隻貓、狗、狐狸、刺蝟、美西螈iphone 14 ios16
創作者 Christian Selig 分享自己研發的:在動態島上養一隻貓!
Okay y’all, I think I found the best idea for the Dynamic Island on the iPhone 14 Pro. I added a cat that lives up there like a tamagotchi and just hangs out and does cute stuff as you browse Reddit in my app (Apollo). pic.twitter.com/xJJlazHH4E
— Christian Selig (@ChristianSelig) September 16, 2022
Apollo for Reddit下載點:請點我
步驟教學:>進入APP>點選View Pixel Pal>開啟動態島動物園設定
設定>背景圖片>自訂>加入小工具>「Apollo for Reddit」動物圖示搬到鎖定畫面/設定>螢幕顯示與亮度> 向下捲動並開啟「永遠顯示」