Pokemon GO 戰鬥值CP和體力值HP說明20230604


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※更新文章日期: 2023-06-04

Pokemon GO 戰鬥值CP和體力值HP說明20230604

對戰和GO 對戰聯盟@官方說明

戰鬥值 (CP) 和 體力值 (HP) 是什麼?

每隻寶可夢都有 戰鬥值 (CP) 和 體力值 (HP) 。

所有寶可夢被捕捉時的 HP 都是滿的,但 HP 會在戰鬥中耗盡。

寶可夢的 CP 代表牠的對戰實力。 每隻寶可夢的 CP 都不盡相同。例如,如果你抓了 2 隻皮卡丘,牠們的 CP 不一定會相同。

累積 XP 即可提升你的訓練家等級,並且有機會捕捉到 CP 較高的寶可夢。但請注意,有些種類的寶可夢 CP 原本就偏低。

你可以強化寶可夢並增加牠們的 CP 和 HP。

What are Combat Power (CP) and Hit Points (HP)?

Each Pokémon has Combat Power (CP) and Hit Points (HP).

All Pokémon start out with full HP at capture, but HP can be depleted during battle.

Each individual Pokémon is assigned CP at capture, which indicates how well that particular Pokémon will perform in battle. Not all Pokémon have the same CP – for example, if you have caught two Pikachu, they will not necessarily have the same CP.

As you gain XP and become a higher level Trainer, the CP of the Pokémon you capture will generally be higher. However, some types of Pokémon will naturally always have lower CP.

You can Power Up your Pokémon to increase their CP and HP.

