鉗尾蠍龍王蠍BUG已改善Pokemon GO 2023


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※更新文章日期: 2023-10-25

鉗尾蠍龍王蠍BUG已改善Pokemon GO 2023


受影響的 鉗尾蠍Skorupi 和 龍王蠍Drapion 已更新為正確的性別,

現在可以與其他訓練師進行交易或轉移到Pokemon HOME。謝謝你的耐心。


Trainers, this issue is now resolved. Affected Skorupi and Drapion have been updated with the correct gender and are now available to be traded with other Trainers or transferred to Pokémon Home. Thanks for your patience.

Trainers, Some Skorupi caught during Incense Day are currently not displaying a gender. While we work to resolve this, Skorupi and Drapion will temporarily be unavailable to transfer to Pokémon HOME or traded. Thanks for your patience.


Gen4_L1-L40 IV100_#451 鉗尾蠍 Skorupi

Gen4_L15+20+25_#451 鉗尾蠍 Skorupi 

Gen4_L1-L40 IV100_#452 龍王蠍 Drapion

Gen4_L15+20+25_#452 龍王蠍 Drapion 

