02/24神糖序號代碼領取Pokemon Go Tour:神奧地區——全球活動


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※更新文章日期: 2024-02-24

02/24神糖序號代碼領取Pokemon Go Tour:神奧地區——全球活動

親身回報,因應Pokemon Go Tour:神奧地區——全球活動舉行,官方開放免費兌換碼來獲得道具。

There is currently a code being sent to Pokémon GO Players as a in-game news notification

I believe the code is only active to players when the Sinnoh Tour Begins in their region since the news notification says Today on it

– 1 Rare Candy – 1 Silver Pipnap Berry


官方新輸入序號網址位置 請複製去Chrome領取


PS:持有寶可夢訓練家俱樂部 (PTC) 帳戶的玩家們,現在無法使用網站上的促銷代碼。

