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※更新文章日期: 2019-10-16

寶可夢GO Wayfarer新補給站、道館申請提名即將開始進行測試!

Niantic Wayfarer 影片

2019年10月15日【Niantic Wayfarer Beta測試即將到來!】
較早前Niantic於官方blog中提及相關訊息,日後Wayfarer 將會用於提交新的Pokémon GO 補給站及道館的提名。
現階段遊戲內提交新的補給站提名只限已開放該功能的國家及地區,這些地區的玩家仍能繼續提交提名。但在之後的數週內,Wayfarer 將會陸續開放給一部分玩家使用,敬請留意著官方有關這個新功能的最新消息。
Niantic 希望藉著發佈Wayfarer 能夠使到遊戲能為玩家持續創造一個引人入勝的體驗,並感激玩家與他們一齊GO和探索。

2019年10月15日 Community Note: Niantic Wayfarer beta coming soon!

Trainers,As you may have read on the Niantic blog, we are very excited that the beta version of our new tool—Niantic Wayfarer—will soon enable Pokémon GO Trainers to review nominations for PokéStops and Gyms, helping determine places to play.

Eligible players in certain countries can continue to submit PokéStop nominations within Pokémon GO. Over the coming weeks, Wayfarer will start rolling out to a subset of the player base. Stay tuned to our Niantic channels for additional updates on future rollouts and availability of this new tool.

We hope that the launch of Wayfarer will help in our continued efforts to create an engaging experience worldwide and give Trainers like you the opportunity to shape Pokémon GO. Thank you for exploring with us, and as always, let’s GO!—The Pokémon GO team

官方影片..那四天的「新北 Safari Zone」

